domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

Summer paradise

The last activity we have done at english class was a presentation of images of a song.
In that presentation we had to describe some images about the song that we have chosen. We have chosen Summer paradise.

We were divided in groups of 5 people. Each one of the group have had to describe a image except one that has done an activity of the lyrics. I have described an image of two people feeling in love, they are at the beach and they are holdings their hands. The other members of the group describe a tropical place, lonely streets and names in the sand.

We pass a good time doing the project and presenting it at the class.
I hope you guys has liked it.

Horror story

Today you are going to read our horror story. We wrote it at english class and I hope you like it.
This is our story:

"Once a upon a time, a happy family, decided to move to Twinkvillage, in Pensilvania. The only house wich was for sale. It was a big house so far from the center. They chose that house and they were living so well but one night a murder came to their house and started to kill every single member of the family. It was a tragedy and people say that there are spirits in that house.

This became into a legend and with the past of the time the house was abandoned. Twenty years later a family move to Twinkvillage because the father started to work there. There were four people in the family. John, the father, Ellie, the mother and two sons, Lindsey with thirteen years and Nathan with fifteen years. They move to the same house where the legend took place but they didn’t know anything. The sons started the school and they made some friends. At the school, their friends told them the stories about the house where they lived.

The kids didn’t belive their friends, they thought that they were kidding so they didn’t take it seriously but after the school, strange stuff started to happen. They started to scare. One nigth Nathan began to hear stange noises, saying his name. After that he dissapeared. When his parents realissed about that they called the police and they went out to find him but they didn’t find Nathan.

They come back to the hose, they were so worried. They imagine that Lindsey stayed at home, but she didn’t. She had dissapeared too. They started to shout her name around the house but there wasn’t any answer. They were frightened and they started to cry. They were going crazy. They started to looked for the sons out of the house. Later, Ellie found out a knife covered in blood, next to the entrance. The blood took them to the sons bedroom, so they opened the door and..."

We have an open final because we want that you imaagine the  finish of the story.
This is all hope you like it!

Thanksgiving day

Today is thanksgiving day and I want to say thnaks to all the people that make me feel happy specially my mother andd my friends.

First I want to say thenks to my mum because she help me in the bad and the good moments. She help me with my problems and she love me above all. she has told me how to be a good person and she try to give me all that I want and I love her for that.

Second I want to say thanks to my friends because they all know how to make me laught. When I'm bad they try to make me feel good above their problems.

Finaly say thanks to my family for their love. All this persons are important to me because they are with me all time. I love them and I just want them on my life.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

London 2012

We did a proyect on P.E  about the olympics games and my group choose these sports:

-Boxing:  boxing is a combat sport in which two people engage in a contest using only their fists.
-Taekwondo: is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South KoreaIt combines combat techniques, self-defensesportexercise, and in some casesmeditation and philosophy.
-Basketball: basketball is a team sport, the objective being to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score points while following a set of rules.
-Equestrian: equestrianism more often known as horse riding refers to the skill of riding or driving with horses.

Here you have the video:

London 2012

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012


Basketball is a team sport, the objective being to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score points while following a set of rules. Usually, two teams of five players play on a marked rectangular court with a basket at each width end. Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.

There are a lot of basket competitions in different categories:


there are a lot of competitions like the FIBA, NBA, ACB or NCAA
This competitons are proffesionals competitions and the level of this competitions is very high.

The only essential equipment in a basketball game is the ball and the court, but almost good clothes and good shoes.
The positions in a basketball team are:

  1. Point guard: usually the fastest player on the team, organizes the team's offense by controlling the ball and making sure that it gets to the right player at the right time.
  2. Shooting guard: creates a high volume of shots on offense, mainly long-ranged; and guards the opponent's best perimeter player on defense.
  3. Small forward: often primarily responsible for scoring points via cuts to the basket and dribble penetration; on defense seeks rebounds and steals, but sometimes plays more actively.
  4. Power forward: plays offensively often with their back to the basket; on defense, plays under the basket (in a zone defense) or against the opposing power forward.
  5. Center: uses height and size to score (on offense), to protect the basket closely (on defense), or to rebound.
My favourite player is kobe bryant because he plays in my favourite team (Lakers) and I like his movements and his form to play.
I think he is one of the better players I have ever been, but the best player I have ever been is Michael Jordan, he is the leyend of basket.


Kobe bryant                                                               Michael Jordan

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

A small part of a life.

Today I have interviwed Daniel Ceballos, my coach, I did some questions and he answered to me. Here you are:

1.- How old were you when you started playing basket?

-"Actually, I can't remember how old I was, but I think that it was in the summer of 1993, before I was 4 years old. I went to the summer basketball school with my older brother. "

2.-Who is the best player you have ever seen?

-"The best player I have ever seen is Alfonso Reyes, he is of Cordoba, and he was pivot and I liked this position a lot. And although now Gasol, Ricky Rubio, Navarro and more are the craze, if I have to choose some player, I choose Alfonso."

3.- Why did you choose this sport?

-"I chose this sport because in my family basket were the best sport, and my brother played it.
Before i walked, I visited with my parents all the pavilions in wich my brother played."

4.- How many years have you played?

-" I have played 17 years."

5.- In wich team are you now?

 -"Now i don't play professionally, I play to be in form and i play in Safa Fresa, a team of Seville."

6.- Why did you start coaching?

 -"I am P.E teacher and almost phiyical activities and sports bachelor. I lost the enthusiasm for playing a couple of years ago, and I raised a professional challenge related with the sport that I liked more."

7.- How many competitions did you win?

 -"Less than the ones I have lost, I have been lucky to enjoy great competitions, but perhaps I have enjoyed more like a coach as a player. I haven't valued those championships that I have lived playing basket, but I value a lot the great friends that basket has given to me, and almost I value what i learn every days by girls like you."

8.- How did you feel playing with the basket national team?

 -"I have never played with it on official competition, but as I said before to you, I wasn't aware of all the opportunities they gave me and maybe I wasted. But I made so many friends, so I can't valorate another thing of the lived. Because with the age you has on that ocassion, you're still a slight project on what someday you can become."

These are the words of one of my favourite coach, I hope you like the interviw and I think that he is a very good player.

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Good or bad cooking expirience?

Today I'm going to tell you about my cooking experience. First I'm going to explain the ingredients and why we cooked chicken curry. Second i'm going to teach you how to cook it. Finally I'm going to express my feelings.

We had to prepare chicken curry because we did an english project. 
The project consits in choose a country and present a powerpoint, the second part consits in prepare a typical food of the country we had chosen. In this case, we choose Thailand.

  • Here you are the ingredients:
  1.  2 chopped scallions 
  2. 1 chopped onion
  3. 1 minced clove garlic          
  4. 2 tbsp. hot curry
  5. 1 pieces chicken
  6. 4 cups chicken broth
  7. 2 green mangoes cut into cubes
  8. 1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger
  9. 1 cup coconut milk
  10. salt
  • Second I'm going to show the video and you going to learn  how to prepare chicken curry.


We had a lot of problems but finally we finished the project and we did well.
I like it a lot and I like also work in groups.
I feel very well because I did new things and I learnt a lot of a new experience!

Hope you like it!

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Tu eres como mi sangre acudes a mi herida sin llamarte, tu presencia en mi vida es inevitable, no vales oro sinceramente no tienes precio, eres tan grande que no se expresarte mi aprecio, tantos momentos juntos pasamos tu y yo, cuantos momentos pasaremos tu y yo, todo recuerdo tuyo esta en mi corazon, pero son tan grandes que no se si cabrán dentro, me ayudaste en los problemas y borraste de mi el dolor, gracias a ti aprendí a no pintarme sonrisas, llenarme la vida de color fue mi salvación, y sin ninguna palabra pactamos estar siempre, no hay prisa nos queda una vida por delante, mil anécdotas para recordarte, desde hace tanto tiempo compartimos algo, y es un corazon que nos une desde hace años.

Gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mi, tu entraste en mi vida eres mi mejor amiga, gracias por todo lo que me hace sonreír, tu eres el ángel que me a ayudado a seguir. 

Le doy gracias a la vida por darme tu amistad, es inexplicable lo que siento ahora mismo por ti, quiero que entiendas que yo te Quiero de verdad, y que tu eres quien me a echo seguir aquí, tu fuiste quien se comió mi mar de lagrimas, tu fuiste la única persona que me hizo pasar pagina, por eso yo sin ti me siento solo y te lo expreso, mi vida no seria vida sin ti, es cierto, no importa los problemas que nos quieran separar, porque sabemos que juntos estaremos hasta el final, mas adelante recordaremos esos momentos, diremos que bonito paso para nosotros el tiempo, & yo te quiero lo sabes no?, tu eres mi TODO, en esta vida tu eres mi mayor tesoro, y a pesar de nuestras diferencias, tenemos algo en común, para ti yo y para mi tu. 

Gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mi, tu entraste en mi vida eres mi mejor amiga, gracias por todo lo que me hace sonreír, tu eres el ángel que me a ayudado a seguir. 

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

Y de la nada a la vida.

Nunca nadie se ha parado a pensar, ¿como empezó todo? ¿como salio el sol por primera vez? Nadie se ha parado a pensar el porque de la luna, el porque de las estrellas, el porque de la vida, el porque de la nada.
Y ahora, mira al cielo, y dime que ves, ¿el sol verdad? Si, el sol.
Acompañante de todos los días, viajero por el mundo, siempre esta ahí, cuando vas a mirarlo. Siempre que miras, esta ahí, preparado para alumbrarte, preparado para darte un poco de su calor, siempre esta ahí, para cuando lo necesites.
Y ahora, espera a que llegue la noche, espera a que el cielo este lleno de estrellas, y en medio de todo este esplendor esta la luna, alumbrando la noche, formando un haz de luz increíble, maravilloso. Y un día, me dijeron que era imposible llegar a rozar el borde del abismo, que era imposible derramar un vaso de sueños, pero pequeño amigo, llámame ilusa, porque voy a viajar a las estrellas.

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

1000 cranes for peace!

why does bullying exist?

Bullying is the biggest conflict for children, it almost always takes place at schools.
Bullying happens because some children want to be more popular or they want to be respected.
This is bad because some children can be frightened and feel threatened. Bullying is based on making a person believe that he is inferior by different types of violences such as threats, insults (specially in chats and in social nets) or physical violence.
Bulliyng consists on three basic types of abuse:
It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation.

Exist a lot of types of bullying like the school bullying, ciber-bullying, gay bullying and a lot more.


We can't stop bullying, but we can try, we can do things like:

-talk with the family if bullying occurs.
-talk with teachers.
-Respect others.



sadako sasaki.

La primera bomba atómica fue lanzada el dia 6 de agosto del 1945 en Hiroshima(Japón), una niña llamada Sadako Sasaki sobrevivió con sus dos años de edad. Esta niña continuó con su vida tras la bomba, al vivir a las afueras de Hiroshima la bomba dejo radiaciones. Al cabo de diez años, Sadako practicaba atletismo en su colegio, y en una de sus carreras se desmayo. Comenzaron a hincharse muchas partes de su cuerpo, y comenzaron a salirle manchas azules en las piernas, le diagnosticaron leucemia y todo esto debido a las anteriores radiaciones de la bomba. Segun una leyenda china, todo aquel que hiciese 1000 grullas de papel seria recompensado con un desea, Sadako al enterarse de
que le quedaba un año de vida comenzó a hacer las grullas de papel, para conseguir su desea mas preciado, mejorar su salud para poder seguir viviendo. Cuando Sadako murio conservaba 644 grullas, ni mas ni menos, y en memoria de Sadako todos sus compañeros de clase y amigos terminaron las 1000 grullas por ella.

Por eso nosotros vamos a hacer 1000 grullas de papel, en memoria de todos los niños que murieron con las bombas atomicas.

¡ayúdanos a conseguir el sueño de Sadako!

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Welcome to my life.

Y de repente, alguien se cruza en tu camino, pero no lo notas, no crees necesario gastar el tiempo en preocuparte, donde y cuando, ni siquiera en quien. Dia tras dia, y te das cuenta, de que tienes dos opciones, o arriesgarte a ganar, o dejar pasar una oportunidad, te arriesgas a ganar y decides conocerla, saber quien es, y puedes perder, pero te das cuenta de que cada detalle es importante, cada movimiento, cada risa, te fijas en su aspecto, ¿te impresiona? sigue adelante, de repente, observas sus preciosos ojos azules, como el agua, transparentes como el cristal, intentas descubrir que esconde en esa mirada, pero no la entiendes, y te das cuenta de que te sonrie, que, apesar de todo, confia en ti, de que en su sonrisa esconde risas, esconde alegrias, esconde cariño.

Y en el momento en el que la miras a los ojos, a esos ojazos que tiene, y te das cuenta de su brillo, te das cuenta de que hiciste bien en arriesgarte, pues si no, no hubieras tenido el placer de poder abrazarla dia a dia, de poder tenerla cerca, y si, pequeña amiga, si es de esta manera como hay que arriesgarse, creo que puedo acostumbrarme a ganar.

Welcome to my life.